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Google Ad Manager: How To Create Account

Google Ad Manager: How To Create Account: Hello friends, in today's article we are going to talk about Google Ad Manager. Today, in this article, I will tell you how to create a Google Ad Manager account and also explain the benefits of Google Ad Manager. So it's going to be a lot of fun today's article.

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So let's start with this article Google Ad Manager: How To Create Account today, not losing much time.

Google Ad Manager: How To Create Account

Google Ad Manager: How To Create Account

What Is Google Ad Manager Account?
Before we create an account, we know what Google Ad Manager accounts are.
Friends, if you tell me in simple language, Google Ad Manager Account is the Account that allows you to operate a lot of Google Ads Accounts from one Account (in one place). So you can easily manage a lot of Accounts with this one account.

Google Ad Manager: How To Create Account

So let's now know how you can make your Google Manager Account.

  • First of all, you have to open your mobile browser on either pc whatever you want to make.
  • Then you have to go to Google and search Google Adword manager Account.
  • Now you have to click on Create a Google Ads Account here.
  • This will be accompanied by a new page Load which will see a link to create a manager account in the first line in the Instruction.
  • You have to click on that link.
  • Now you will get the option of Create a Manager Account, clicking on it will automatically start loading Manager Account.
  • Now you have to fill in details on this page, the first of which is to Fill Account Display Name.
  • Now you have to select the billing country in which you have to select whatever country you are.
  • Now you have to select the currency and then click on the submit button.

Now as soon as you click on the submit button, your Google Ad Manager Account will be formed. Now you will be able to use this Account as easily as a normal account.

So, friends, I hope you all Google Ad Manager our article today: How To Create Account helped you make Google Ad Manager Account. At the same time, you must have liked this article.
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